Nomadic (The Soul Journey)
Lyinheart The Beast Untamed delivers a mass of emotions, and some of the most thought prevoking songs you've heard in a long time on this one. The title "Nomadic" means to move around a lot. The Beast untamed defintely moved around a lot on this project. So much so that it seemed as if he was soul searching for something of high value, making the need for the "Soul Journey" reference in the title perfect. Not to sound Cliche but he is definitely what Hip Hop is missing and misses. That said, you will hear his Roar Loud and clear on this one.
Lyinheart The Beast Untamed Breaks Down And Cries while rapping a song from Nomadic titled "Curly Eyelashes Part II
No Haterz Video from Lyinheart The Beast Untames Last mixtape titled "No Haterz"
Lyinheart ThrowBack With his hit single and Video From the No Haterz Mixtape "NO HATERZ